Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Resource Alert! “Navigating College: A Handbook on Self Advocacy Written for Autistic Students from Autistic Adults”


Hi There!

This week, we will wrap up our final blog on tools and resources to support college students with disabilities. A phenomenal resource I would like to share with you is titled, “Navigating College: A Handbook on Self Advocacy Written for Autistic Students from Autistic Adults.” It was developed by the Autistic Self Advocacy Network and includes topics such as accommodations, housing, health and safety, advocacy, and social life. Here is a short excerpt from the Forward of the book, written by Ari Ne’eman.

“In addition, this book is focused on more than just succeeding in the classroom. While classes and homework are important parts of college, no one tries to tell non-disabled students that this is the totality of their college experience. Clubs, social activities, dormitory life, parties, sex and relationships and countless other things should take up at least as much of your waking hours as schoolwork does. For those of you who will be living on campus, and even for many of you who will not be, college isn’t just a place to go to take courses—it is a way of life. We’d be doing you a disservice if we didn’t talk about the parts of the college experience that happen outside of the classroom.”

We hope this resource may be of benefit to you, a loved one, a neighbor, a student, or a colleague!



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